Fascinating kaik, thanks for posting... I've never believed in the world being only 7000 years old, and tbh I always thought we as witnesses believed in the big bang (but God started it and controlled it of course), but I've always believed mankind has only been here 6000 yrs as per wt theology. How convincing is the evidence for the dating of these people that lived 7 to 9000 years ago? Cos I've brought this up before and simply been TOLD the dating is out, it's an unreliable science..
disposable hero of hypocrisy
JoinedPosts by disposable hero of hypocrisy
Want to know why people accept evolution ?
by snare&racket indo you have questions about or want to understand evolution?
it is a difficult concept to communicate and so if it is not explained well , it is understandable that we would dismiss it.. i sincerely want to talk with people who want to learn more or see what all the fuss is about.
we are all learning and increasing our knowledge all the time and it is good to go over facts with critical eye.. evolution we can discuss, looking at the foundational facts and evidence, one at a time for you to go and check, agree or disagree with and return.. no pressure to accept it, you can decide for yourself, also no mocking etc of what you have to say.. .
Want to know why people accept evolution ?
by snare&racket indo you have questions about or want to understand evolution?
it is a difficult concept to communicate and so if it is not explained well , it is understandable that we would dismiss it.. i sincerely want to talk with people who want to learn more or see what all the fuss is about.
we are all learning and increasing our knowledge all the time and it is good to go over facts with critical eye.. evolution we can discuss, looking at the foundational facts and evidence, one at a time for you to go and check, agree or disagree with and return.. no pressure to accept it, you can decide for yourself, also no mocking etc of what you have to say.. .
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Cofty, thanks for going back to basics, I really appreciate this simple explanation of current evolutionary theory. Zygotes and epigenetics - NAILED!
Is it common for Jehovah's Witnesses to turn to alcohol when they realize the Watchtower is a scam
by Watchtower-Free inbecause they don't know what to do and they want to numb the pain .
especially for bornins..
disposable hero of hypocrisy
I'm drinking more. Fancy a stout right now. Stuff it, going to have one....
Attn faders/lurkers re donations
by Skinnedsheep inwhen you get your anonymous survey pledge an exorbitant amount.
the elders will make the resolution based on the fake pledge and it will create conflict between the branch and the cong....when the donations don't come in the branch be like "pay the man".
the local body will have to have several local needs parts which will highlight the branches focus on money.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Longhairgal - I think the first poll is anonymous, no legality there, but I certainly won't be signing my name to ANYTHING...
Want to know why people accept evolution ?
by snare&racket indo you have questions about or want to understand evolution?
it is a difficult concept to communicate and so if it is not explained well , it is understandable that we would dismiss it.. i sincerely want to talk with people who want to learn more or see what all the fuss is about.
we are all learning and increasing our knowledge all the time and it is good to go over facts with critical eye.. evolution we can discuss, looking at the foundational facts and evidence, one at a time for you to go and check, agree or disagree with and return.. no pressure to accept it, you can decide for yourself, also no mocking etc of what you have to say.. .
disposable hero of hypocrisy
I'm benefitting from this thread immensely as I'm sure others will as well.. Thanks everyone for spelling it out to us!
Attn faders/lurkers re donations
by Skinnedsheep inwhen you get your anonymous survey pledge an exorbitant amount.
the elders will make the resolution based on the fake pledge and it will create conflict between the branch and the cong....when the donations don't come in the branch be like "pay the man".
the local body will have to have several local needs parts which will highlight the branches focus on money.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Hear hear! :-)
Is this new donation arrangement for real?
by nugget injust read a post on jwsurvey about the new donation arrangement.
congregations are to pledge a monthly amount to be sent to the society to fund the building of assembly halls and kingdom halls.
congregations who already have a loan from the society will no longer have to pay back the loan but the amount pledged should not be less than the current monthly repayments to the society.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Man. I HOPE the extended measures actually happen, people can gloss over lies and reason away misinformation, but they'll soon notice their wallets getting thinner. SUSPICIOUS - I was going to put a big fat zero on mine but your idea is brilliant, over inflate the figures, put a nice high amount, let's all mess with them!
Had a reply for job...
by snare&racket in.
got a cool job, surgery and emergency medicine in a nice holiday town, super happy :d. .
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Well done mate, I don't recognise it but if it's anywhere near me I'll buy you a pint..
Why do I bother to wake up in the morning?
by punkofnice ini'm not suicidal just fed up.. i did think of suicide (briefly), but as there is no painless way and it's not something i would willingly do just in case things would have been better the day after.
i do have a slight grain of hope.. money problems.....problems at home (that's another matter with a son up court for something he is adamant he didn't do.
first offence but the pigs police and the cps have got charges made.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Dude. You bring much happiness to all on here, to your audience when you play, to your gf (I hope), so do what you got to do to be happy, play more, be a bit selfish, you deserve it man!
I don't find this stuff amusing anymore
by sparrowdown ini would just like to get this off my chest.. during the public talk last sunday the speaker (bro holden m'groin) said in public talk: .
" if you ask any 16yr old girl what she wants out of life, she would probably say a home, a family etc etc" (because obviously this is still 1955).. anyway that got my attention i thought " hmm....where is he going with this?"..
bro holden m'groin goes on .
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Its funny how the simple everyday pleasures of civil society such as talking to an old friend or wishing someone a happy seasonal holiday become BADASS when youre out mentally!
Crazy situation eh?